Cottages opening days 2024
14th July 11 to 3pm
11th August 11 to 3pm
15th September 11 to 3pm

Foxhall Tythe Map 1847

Map dated 1847 from another unknown source

25in OS map circa 1890 showing buildings

25in OS map circa 1890 with houses marked with numbers (my guess at probabilities)
NO 1

Renewed for example of the type of dwelling

Cowshed and Potato Hovel (storage for root vegetables.

Pigsty and front of house showing garden?

NO 2

No 2 Blakemoor Gate renewed

NO 3

There is the outline of a door to the right of the existing door which was probably No 3

The rear of No 2/3. This is an extension of 2/3. Houses were constructed as families grew and somtimes close to the head of the family.

NO 4 (Probably Farm Buildings)

This was probably just animal sheds but the last photograph shows substantial walls for a small area. Could have been reconstructed from a pile of stones. No chimney can be seen in any of the walls so most probably not a dwelling.

NO 5

5th May 2024
Viola lutea in the fields of Blakemoor Gate

Ilex aquifolium (Holly) with very few spines in the hedge of Blakemoor Gate

NO 6

NO 7

Below small building against fence facing West most probably cowshed

NO 8

Below track shown on map (top left) looking East. This ends in a fence now but would have had a gate onto the hill.