The end of the Cross Guns facing Snailbeach with the flat square where the name Cross Guns was painted.

Crownsnest Dingle properties 1847

Map dated 1847 from another unknown source

Orange Buildings Red Dwellings added to OS Map of circa 1895
(Subject to correction and updates after more research)
No 1

No 2

No 3

No 4

No 5

No 6

No 7

Bridge to No7

Pototo Hovel opposite to the house and bridge.

Horse Chestnut by bridge

Bird Cherry on hillside opposite to No 7
No 8

Path going up to the top of Ruston Hill from No 8
No 9

This was the large garden associated with No 9. The location is such that there is a very short growing season and at this height makes it even shorter. The varieties of vegetables suited this location and seed was saved from one year to the next. This shows what can be done and grown in our F1 world. The peas were purple flowered and had purple pods but were quite bitter (not sweet) and chewy but probably better for you than the ones we have frozen today. There was an Unusual White berried Elderflower in the hedge (Sambucus nigra Fructuluteo). I cannot remember the other vegetables but they were extensive and included potatoes.

The area in front of the house was the flower garden surrounded by a low hedge. A spring just outside the L/H side of house provided water of excellent quality.

Building opposite No 9

Batch going up to Bleakmoor Flat above No 9
No 10

Large Holly at No 10
No 11

Houses in Crowsnest Dingle 1847 and who was family head

Census 1881 transcript for Chirbury Schedule 1-15 only 16-96 to go!
Volunteers to do 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1891, 1901 and 1911 appreciated
Red is guess at correct wording Green x My Family xx My Direct Family

Census 1881 page 2 original

Nature above the buildings and up the Green Lane

Green hairstreak (Callophrys rubi) Butterfly

Crab Apple (Malus sylvestris)

Wimberry (Vaccinium myrtillus)

Cranberry (local) (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) Cowberry

View towards the top of the hill from the top of Crowsnest Dingle)