To find out about Services and the Chapel today click on the above image.

The above is from “An account of the Baptist Churches of Shropshire and the surrounding areas” by Michael J. Collis
Tythe Apportionments circa 1847 showing Trustees


Above Images Courtesy of Shropshire Archives

Lordshill Date unknown

Lordshill 5th May 2024

Gate into Chapel

Flowering Cherry in Graveyard April 2023

Bridge from Hill entrance into chapel from graveyard (LH side of chapel from front)

Lordshill circa 1880 and 1900

Lordshill circa 1900

Below is a grave plan and a brief description of the inscriptions on the graves.
This document was from Shropshire Archives, Shrewsbury.
This needs updating with photographs, more detailed records and lost graves found volunteers?

Below is the new updated map and details (work in progress)

Gone to Earth from the novel by Mary Webb filmed at Lordshill circa 1950
(Click picture to see the film on YouTube)
Stills from the film

Steps in the foreground were to the original baptism pool in the stream

Looking out of the Chapel gate

Track In front of the Chapel (the Chapel pit shaft 1026ft deep is off picture to top left)!

The baptism pool constructed for the film.
This is now an area with Flag (Iris pseudacorus) growing in it

Chapel shaft engine chimney with Lordshill in the background. On the left the pit and chimney were added on the film.